Pet Motivator, Oscar

Pet Motivator, Oscar

I know we shouldn't admit it, but our gorgeous cocker-poo "Oscar" is one of the best motivators in the world.   With his sunny nature and welcoming woof, he comes to our rescue in times of stress or anxiety.  He even enjoys our sleep better lavender candle, as he chills out on the tiled floor at work.   

We were trying to explain to Oscar, how we support The Woodland Trust by "planting a tree", but sadly he was only interested in running after sticks and jumping in puddles. We didn't mind though as he was so much fun, he kept us all cheerful.  The only downside on the way home was that he smelt of muddy-dog, but when I sprayed myself with H2k's black cherry and rose eau de toilettte, he nuzzled up to me and went to sleep.  So sweet.

When we got home, we washed him with our volumising sensitive shampoo and nourishing hair conditioner.   He totally loved it, trying to cuddle up to us as we tickled his ears.  It's a bit of a challenge at the end of bath time when he runs off, but a good "tug-of-war" session seems to work to get him dry, then he lies by the radiator and watches the TV. 



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